Rascal Picnic 1995

The first picnic took place on August 19, 1995 atop Mount Davis, the highest point in Pennsylvania. Located in Somerset County, Mount Davis rises to 3,721 feet. The all-day affair was organized by Jeff Campbell and features food, drink, cigars, gamese, and sedan chair races. Reigning Rascal of the Year, Greg Scheer, was carried in a canopied sedan chair from the picnic area to the high point, a distance of about 1 mile. Women and children were also present at the picnic. Among those present were:

  1. Jeff Campbell
  2. Greg Scheer
  3. John McGeoy
  4. Dan Morrison
  5. David Dunn
  6. Jack Brice
  7. Don Pickerine
  8. Wyatt Aasen
  9. Karl Williams
  10. Jake Horner
  11. Ron DiOrio
  12. Dwight Fox
  13. Yuval Cohen
  14. Kathy Fisher
  15. Eva Morrison

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